
Feel More Confident in the Gym

You've purchased your gym membership, and you were excited to get started on the path to achieving your fitness goals. But, when the next morning comes around, you just can't get yourself there. Or, if you do get there, you leave sooner than you would have liked because you just feel, well, uncomfortable . You know how to use free weights, but the area is full of jacked gym rats and you can't bear the embarrassment of picking up a 5 pound dumbbell around those guys. So you stick to the treadmill, even though you don't need a gym membership to go on a run. If you can relate to any of this, this post is for you. I too was like this when I first joined a gym. Here's what you can do to become more comfortable in the gym. 1. If you're able, try going off-peak, at least once. You'll get to have a proper look at the machines and work out how they're used without feeling embarrassed and thinking that everyone is looking at you while you go through the

My Favourite Food Swaps

I've been cleaning up my diet for the past 6 months - really successfully for the last two and a half (excluding Christmastime oops), and less successfully for the previous four. People say that losing weight takes time, but I'm convinced that first it goes slow and then all at once, especially if you need to lose just a few stubborn lbs. One thing that has been key to my weight loss/fitness journey is finding great food swaps. There has been plenty of trial and error with this, so I've included a list of bad food swaps. Not falling into these traps is just as important as finding food swaps that work well for you. Sad food swaps 😢 There are plenty of social media posts about this, but I find that the suggestions are either boring or straight up bad advice. For example,  swapping sugary breakfast cereal for porridge/oats 🙅   I personally find oats to be really bland, no matter how much cinnamon I add. But I forced myself to eat it because I was convinced that it wo

Running: Beginner's Guide

The great thing about running is that it is a form of exercise that is accessible to all. Unlike with a gym membership or a fitness class, you don't need to pay, you don't need a car or public transport and you don't need an encyclopaedic knowledge of different movements. One foot in front of the other is the standard, unchanging movement. Admittedly, running is not the exercise for someone looking to build muscle. But it is great if you are looking for fat loss, or as an exercise for those just starting their fitness journey this year. I love running - the feeling of achievement and sense of freedom you get from long distance runs is like no other. For those of you looking to start outdoor running for the first time, you are probably thinking about what kind of things you might need. What kind of shoes? What kind of athletic wear? What should I bring with me? How do I carry my phone and keys? How on earth do I start when running for 30 seconds leaves me sweaty and w

10 Things to do in the First Days of 2018

I like to think that what you in the first few days of January will set the tone for the rest of the year. So here's a list of 10 things you should do to start off your 2018 right: 1. Start reading that book you always wanted to read, but never got to. For me, it's 'The Miniaturist' by Jesse Burton. I'm now about 150 pages in. So far, so good. 2. Give yourself a facial/mani/pedi/pampering treatment of your choice. I like to do a face mask, because it requires such minimal effort that I can multitask. 3. Wash your makeup brushes and sponges. You know you should do it. It'll help you get that clear skin we're all after. 4. Change your bedsheets and pillow case. Nothing like starting the new year with fresh, crisp bedlinen. 5. Go for a walk (weather permitting of course). A great way to get some light exercise and much needed fresh air. 6. Clean for 10 minutes straight. If you completely focus on doing this for just a few minutes, you'

Kick-start Your New Year

T he New Year is fast approaching. It's the time of year that people start thinking about what they want to change in their lives and set New Year's resolutions. Most people will fail to stick to their New Years resolutions, with some articles claiming that up to 80%  of resolutions fail by February! This is why I think the time to start working towards your goals is right now, not January 1st. Even in this last day of 2017, it's definitely not too late! By making some progress now, however small, you will kick start your new year with the knowledge that you have already committed to, and made progress towards, your goals. The most common New Years resolutions have to do with health, fitness, finances, time management and decluttering. Here are some quick, easy ways you can start improving on these areas. Eat more healthily:     The mistake that people make here is trying to run before they can walk. I speak from experience because I also made this error. I wen

Realistic Skincare Guide

'S kincare routines' are the new makeup routines of the social media world. There are a few reasons why I'm not a fan of these. Firstly, it ignores the major factor that is genetics. Even if I follow an Insta-model's skincare routine to a T, I will still have a few little blemishes on my face. Because that's just how my skin is, no matter how well I look after it.😭   Secondly, these 'skincare routine' posts are usually just an opportunity for 'social influencers' to market products for companies who have paid handsomely for the promotion. What an ironic start to a skincare post, you must be thinking. I started with a mini-rant about skincare routines mainly to highlight what this post will do differently. My advice won't be to buy a specific product. Unfortunately, you can't just buy one product and magically get flawless skin. However, there are some steps you can take that will visibly improve the state of your skin. Water, Water